Factors We Evaluated

Factors We Evaluated


Factors We Evaluated
1. Ease of Use
This was my most important requirement. I wanted a label-maker that I could remove from the box and begin using immediately without the need to study the instruction manual. I was also looking for the label-making process to be as quick as possible. The time it took each label maker to create a label was very different. One model took 15 seconds, which is quite a while when you wait for a small label to be printed. The winner took just 5 seconds to print exactly the same two words.

2. Material Design/Quality
I was looking for to find a label maker that was not heavy or bulky , but felt sturdy when I held it in my hands. The high-end quality of each manufacturer’s tape was crucial for me. Certain tapes were shiny and smooth some were smooth and shiny, while others were dull or dull. I was interested to know if the labels are easy to use after they have been printed. was it possible to easily remove the backing paper of the label tape , or do I require the use of a flashlight as well as a pair of tweezers?

3. Many functions
Like I said I prefer a basic label maker. I don’t want to print fancy templates, and I don’t want “fun” fonts, however there are times when I want to alter the font’s size or the capitalization. I’d like to be able to do this without having to read an entire 20-page instruction manual.
dymo label maker

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